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#6 - We will be back?!


Updated: Jan 20, 2023

We are an "Interabled Duo." We say and write that on social media, here on our website, and we mention it over and over again when we give our "elevator pitch" to many different people. An Interabled Duo that travels. Around the world in a little over 80 days.

By now we have arrived in New Zealand and before that we have already visited 3 continents, 5 countries and 6 cities. A decent arsenal of memories to process. And somehow we fell in love with all the places in one way or another. Almost every time we caught ourselves saying the following sentence either to ourselves during a relaxing evening walk, on the way home or to other people we met:

Actually, we have to come back visit again.

We took this picture on our last evening in Sydney, when we were allowed to see one last really beautiful sunset

Every new place we visit brings new adventures. Any traveler can confirm this with certainty. We learn about a place that is yet to be discovered or an attraction that is yet to be explored. And in the process, we meet many people who we would all love to meet again someday....

We have not really finished with any place we have seen so far. Each time we were looking forward to the next place, but also a little mourned the time that we can not still spend in this, now behind us, place.

As we've both described in recent blogposts, this is certainly also related to the speed at which we travel. But on the other hand, it also has to do with the fact that we can so slowly relate to the idea of people who feel at home everywhere.

We both agree:

Hamburg is and remains our home. And yet there are places that make Hamburg's status as the "most beautiful city in the world" a little weaker.

No new place will be able to take away the feeling of home that is shaped by family, our childhood and so many experiences. And yet it seems as if we are slowly becoming aware of how big the world is. How many great people there are in the world and how many places there are to (re)discover.

So we will come again?

Both of us can well imagine to come back to one or the other place. Especially the 3 weeks in Australia gave us the feeling of freedom and a life we didn't know before. 3 weeks are simply too little to discover such a big and versatile country. And who knows, maybe there will be another opportunity for us to travel to Australia one more time. Then we would definitely want to drive up the coast to Cairns, to the unique Great Barrier Reef.

But now it's time to enjoy the remaining weeks in New Zealand and not to forget what was, what will be and to be grateful for what is right now.

Your Alex and Lovis



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